What is Atherectomy ?

It is a minimally invasive treatment procedure for people suffering from atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is the condition where the arteries get accumulated with a plaque material (generally fat and calcium build up) resulting in decreased blood flow through the vessels. In atherectomy, a thin catheter with a blade attached to its end is inserted into the arteries and the plaque is removed. This procedure is an alternative to angioplasty. Depending on the movement of the catheter inside the artery, the different
types of atherectomy are orbital, rotational, laser and directional. The plaque lining the artery will be shaved away by the blade or vaporized by laser technology, resulting in wider arteries.


What is Atherectomy ?

It is a minimally invasive treatment procedure for people suffering from atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is the condition where the arteries get accumulated with a plaque material (generally fat and calcium build up) resulting in decreased blood flow through the vessels. In atherectomy, a thin catheter with a blade attached to its end is inserted into the arteries and the plaque is removed. This procedure is an alternative to angioplasty. Depending on the movement of the catheter inside the artery, the different types of atherectomy are orbital, rotational, laser and directional. The plaque lining the artery will be shaved away by the blade or vaporized by laser technology, resulting in wider arteries.


How is it done?

How is it done?

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Cardiac Catheterization

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Balloon Valvuloplasty

It is the treatment procedure for conditions where the heart doors or valves have narrow openings. This leads to decreased blood flow from the auricles to the ventricles resulting in low blood flow to the remaining parts of the body. In a valvuloplasty procedure, a balloon catheter is inserted into the heart valves which cause the valves to expand in size, resulting in adequate blood flow.

Related Treatments

Alcohol septal ablation

It is the treatment for an inherited disease called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. In this condition, the heart wall is too thick and creates an abnormal pressure on your heart chambers. When the condition does not die down with medication, alcohol septal ablation is advised. It is a non-surgical procedure in which the cells of the thickened heart wall are shrunk with the help of alcohol passed into through a catheter.

Cardiac Catheterization

Cardiac catheterization is a diagnostic and invasive treatment procedure done in patients suffering from heart conditions like coronary artery disease, valvular dysfunction, myocarditis, cardiomyopathy and more. A thin, flexible catheter is inserted into a patient’s peripheral blood vessels and monitored under an x-ray.

Balloon Valvuloplasty

It is the treatment procedure for conditions where the heart doors or valves have narrow openings. This leads to decreased blood flow from the auricles to the ventricles resulting in low blood flow to the remaining parts of the body. In a valvuloplasty procedure, a balloon catheter is inserted into the heart valves which cause the valves to expand in size, resulting in adequate blood flow.a


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